Mt 13:38
Mt 13:38
Mt 24:14
1Jn 3:17
1Jn 3:17
3Jn 1:7
2Tim 1:9
2Tim 1:9
2Tim 1:9
1Jn 3:16
Jas 1:25
Act 16:24
2Tim 1:8
2Tim 2:10
Act 16:26
Heb 6:10
2Tim 4:17
2Tim 4:18
Phil 1:12
Phil 1:12
Ps 104:4
Phil 2:16
Eph 5:10
Eph 5:11
Phil 2:15
2Thes 3:8
1Thes 3:2
1Thes 3:2
1Thes 3:3
1Thes 2:2
1Cor 2:4
Col 4:17

Father, I pray for those out in the mission fields,
spreading the good news of the Gospel,
in this country and around the world.
They have seen their brothers' needs
and have not shut up their hearts from them,
but have faithfully gone forth into all the earth.
Let them be called with a holy calling,
not according to their works,
but according to Your own purpose, Father.
Out of love they have laid down their lives
and determined to be doers of the work, not hearers only.
I pray for those in prison for their beliefs.
Not being ashamed, they share in the sufferings for the Gospel,
and endure all things for the sake of those chosen for salvation.
Father, send forth Your angels and cause them to be set free.
Do not forget their work and labor of love.
Stand with them and strengthen them.
Deliver them from every evil work and preserve them.
Cause the things which have happened to actually
turn out for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Make Your ministers a flame of fire,
Help them to hold fast to the Word of life
proving what is acceptable to the Lord,
exposing the unfruitful works of darkness,
and shining as bright lights in a dark world.
Let their hard work be an example to us,
as we send fellow laborers and ministers of God
to encourage and establish them concerning their faith,
so that they will not be shaken by afflictions.
Give them the boldness to speak the Gospel in the midst of conflict
in demonstration of the Spirit and power
and to fulfill the ministry they have received in the Lord.

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